What Is Anchor Text & How Does It Work?

What Is Anchor Text & How Does It Work?

What exactly is anchor text?

What Is Anchor Text & How Does It Work

The visible, clickable text in a hyperlink is known as anchor text. It's commonly blue and highlighted in current browsers, like this link to the Scorich Americas blog page.

< a href="https://www.scorich.com/americas/blog/" >.... < /a> blog This hyperlink is called Anchor text.

The best format SEO-friendly anchor text is brief and relevant to the target page (The page to which it links).

Anchor text definition

anchor text infographic blog

The visible characters and words displayed by hyperlinks linked to another document or place on the Internet are called Anchor text. It usually shows as blue highlighted text, but you can modify the colours and styles of your website's links using HTML or CSS.

Anchor text can provide helpful contextual information about the link's destination content to search engines and users.

The anchor text in the link code sample above is ‘blog'.

External anchor text (text used by other pages to link to your site) is used by search engines to reflect how other people view your page — and, by extension, what your pages may be depicting. While website owners often have no control over how other websites link to theirs, "we can ensure that the anchor text we use within our own site is useful, descriptive, and relevant."

If several sites believe a specific page is essential for a particular set of phrases, the page may rank well even if the terms do not appear in the website's content.

Types of Anchor text

anchor text type infographic blog

1. Exact-match

The anchor text is "exact match" if it contains a term that matches the page to which it is linked. For instance, 'link building' refers to a page on link building.

2. Partial-match

Anchor text that includes a variant of the linked-to page's keyword. For instance, 'link building tactics' would go to a page about link building.

3. Branded

As anchor text, a brand name is employed. For instance, 'Scorich' may refer to an item on the Scorich Blog.

4. Naked hyperlink

For example, a URL used as a link. 'www.scorich.com' is a naked link anchor.

5. Generic

A general term or phrase is used as an anchor. A frequent generic anchor is "click here."

6. Image Hyperlink

When an image is linked, Google will use the text in the alt attribute of the picture as the anchor text.

Best SEO Tactics

SEO-friendly anchor text is:

  • Succinct
  • Relevant to the linked-to website
  • Low keyword density (not too many keywords)
  • Non-generic

Remember that you frequently do not influence the anchor text used by other sites to link back to your material. As a result, most of these best practices will dictate how to best employ anchor text on your website.

Succinct anchor text
While there is no fixed length for anchor text, it is best to make your link text as brief as possible. The terms you select to include in your anchor text should consider two major factors:

  • What is the most succinct and accurate description of the linked-to page?
  • What phrase or word would entice users to click on a link?

Page relevance as a target

As search engines evolved, they began to find more variables for deciding ranks. Link relevance, or how relevant the topic of page A is to page B if one connects to the other, stands out among the others. A highly relevant hyperlink can increase the chances of ranking on pages A and B for their topic queries.
Link relevance is a natural occurrence when people link to other web material. The following factors determine it:

  • The topic of the source page
  • The content of the source page's anchor text links to content related to the topic of the source page are more likely to provide more significant relevance signals than links to unrelated information.
A page about the best coffee in Seattle, for example, is more likely to pass a relevant signal to Google when it connects to a coffee shop website than if it links to a site with photographs of animals

Search engines pay attention to the various anchor text variations used to link back to the original content and utilize them as additional indicators of what that post is about and which search queries may be helpful. With this, natural language processing and other characteristics such as link source and information hierarchy account for the vast majority of link relevancy indicators found online. Keep your anchor language as descriptive of the target page as possible to ensure your links deliver strong relevancy signals.

Keyword density in anchor text

Google began to pay closer attention to terms in anchor text after the Penguin algorithm upgrade. If too many site's inbound links use the exact anchor text, it might appear suspicious and indicate that the hyperlinks were not legitimate. Obtaining and using keyword - and topic-specific anchor text is still a great practice. SEOs may achieve more significant results by aiming for a variety of more natural anchor text phrases instead of the same keyword each time.

Similarly, keep one thing in mind: don't go overboard with keyword-heavy internal connections. Internal linking is excellent practice, but be cautious about the anchor language you choose to connect your pages. Google may detect spam behaviour if too many links to a page use the exact anchor text, even if they are on your website.

Commonly Asked Questions

How does one go about optimizing an anchor text?

The most straightforward technique to optimize anchor text for SEO is to utilize descriptive keywords that appropriately represent the page or concept you're linking. But be cautious! It's possible to "over-optimize" your anchor text in SEO by leaning too much on repetitious, keyword-rich phrases. People don't always connect with the "ideal" anchor text in the real world, and replicating this habit in your linking is often preferable.

What exactly is rich anchor text?

Rich anchor text is anchored text that contains desirable target keywords. These are frequently the keywords you want to rank. Again, don't overuse your rich anchor text because this isn't how people regularly or naturally link, and it may cause Google to label your content as "over-optimized."

Is anchor text important?

Anchor text is essential for Search Engine Optimization since it tells Google what information a page displays. Using anchor text as a ranking indication is covered by numerous Google patents. It is typically considered an unfair SEO practice not to use anchor text or generic text.

Want to know how we apply best SEO practices for our clients? Visit https://www.scorich.com/americas/contact-us to learn more.